Many young children (toddler age and a little older) have what’s known as flexible flatfoot—they may have an arch in their feet when they sit, but it flattens when they stand.
In the majority of cases—8 or 9 out of 10—flat feet in kids will resolve by around age 6. As they grow, bones get harder, muscles and tendons tighten, and the arch becomes more rigid, no longer flattening under the force of their body weight.
However, some kids do not grow out of the condition and carry flat feet through to adulthood. If you notice your older child still has flat feet—especially if there are any signs of pain or discomfort—bring them to Dr. Ketih McSpadden or North Austin Foot & Ankle Institute for an evaluation. You can reach us by calling 512-593-2949 for an appointment in Cedar Park or Round Rock, TX.