Toenail fungus is a legendarily stubborn little infection. Because topical antifungals can’t penetrate through the nail to get at the fungi underneath, home care is almost always ineffective.
Following an evaluation, we will likely start you on a regiment of prescription oral antifungals for six to eight weeks. The drugs eliminate the infection, allowing health nail to grow and slowly replace the discolored portion over a period of months. Because these pills may come with side effects, we will make sure you are healthy enough to take them and check back periodically to make sure you’re doing well.
Alternatively, particularly severe or chronic cases may be treated by removing the nail entirely, treating the infection directly, and waiting for a healthy nail to grow back.
One thing is for sure—a case of toenail fungus will not get better on its own. If you’re looking to eliminate that embarrassing, yellow nail, call Dr. McSpadden today. To set up an appointment in Cedar Park or Round Rock, TX, give us a call at 512-593-2949.